Archive for ‘September, 2013’

I recently was in Napa for my friend, Lisa’s, bachelorette.  We had the best weekend celebrating Lisa which obviously included drinking a good amount of wine.  During our first stop to the vineyard, Alpha Omega, Lisa broke down wine tasting into the 5 S’s to help us understand what you are actually supposed do while tasting.  She is a super smart girl who has worked in the industry for quite some time so she knows what she is talking about.  So the next time you have a glass of wine in front of you, don’t forget your 5 S’s.

Lisa, I’m so happy I got to celebrate this special occasion with you!   I’m super excited for you and Dan and wish you lots of love and happiness.  Have the best time ever on Sunday!!! xoxo

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This past weekend I celebrated my friend, Lisa’s bachelorette in Napa with my college friends.  Of course, I had to do some FWB episodes.  Emily volunteered but had a hard time deciding what to do.  I wanted her to do her infamous “walk into a pole” move but as it turns out she was a little rusty.   What she wasn’t rusty at was becoming Britney.  So after a fun night out with maybe a few glasses of wine, we embraced Britney.

Em and I met in college freshmen year and discovered that we grew up a town away from each other.  She is one to always bring the fun and never a dull moment.  It was such a great weekend hanging with my friends from Maryland.  Even though we don’t see each other much, it’s always a guaranteed good time!

Thanks Em….I mean Britney.

Please forgive the shakiness and blurriness…it’s essentially seeing the night through our eyes.

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This was my first year going to Burning Man which was a total bucket list event for me.  I am so grateful that I was able to go with such an amazing group and experience my first year with close friends as well as new friends including Archimedes.  Archimedes who came to Burning Man all by himself (really bold move), was our neighbor and basically became part of Dusty Phoenix (our camp) the day we met.  We filmed this FWB on the last day and hottest day of Burning Man hence the awesome outfit and hair.  If you would like to learn more about Polish Hand Magic, click here.

Burning Man was such a surreal and awesome experience.  It helped me appreciate what I have and all the awesome people I get to call my friends.  It also reminded me to stay open to everyone because everyone brings something special and different to the table for others to enjoy like Polish Hand Magic;)  So thank you Archimedes for being an awesome neighbor and totally down to do an FWB.  Also, thank you to the whole Dusty Phoenix crew for reminding me that everything will work out and that I’m surrounded by such wonderful people.

Oh and PS-I discovered the sound effects on IMovie and got inspired to make a little montage at the end of the video of some of my favorite pieces of art at Burning Man.

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This was one of the ultimate impromtu FWB episodes.  I brought my mic along to my friend, Patty’s going away party in Dolores Park because I made a plan to make a video with my friend, Kyle. Lo and behold, Polly was in town from NYC and attending Patty’s party (they went to college together).  While waiting for Kyle, we were catching up and she started explaining what her lesson would be.  I quickly stopped her and got out my IPhone to make it happen. Polly and I met through friends (Patty and co) during my first run in SF and it was so great to see her and have her participate in FWB in one of our favorite places in the city.  I love and totally appreciate her enthusiasm for FWB which was so encouraging and awesome to hear.  She’s definitely a natural in front of the camera;)  Thanks Polly for being so fun and proving that SF is such a special place that we’ll always have no matter where we live in the world.

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